OpenRIMS-RPM - User Management

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             The management of the NMRA users and rules to assign workflow activity executors require to collect the appropriative information. Traditionally, this collection is called “Users Directory”. The Users Directory should be manageable by the Supervisor.

The directory should be flexible enough to fit any NMRA and strict enough to allow uniform user management and automated assignment of the NMRA executors for the workflow activities.

The directory should be implemented in the Pharmadex 2 database.

The directory

             The office is a site that serves administrative units (Figure 1). The expert is the executor of the NMRA workflow activity. The expert may be an NMRA employee, an employee of an NMRA partner like a lab, or an independent contractor. Each expert should belong to one office.

             Any workflow in NMRA is conducted by a set of experts. The specialization of the experts is defined as one or more roles[1]:

·      Secretary, that is responsible for the collaboration with the business

·      Screener, that is responsible for formal documents

·      Reviewer, that is responsible for expertise

·      Inspector, that is responsible for the inspection in the field

·      Accountant, that responsible for the fee, fines, etc.

·      Moderator, that is an owner of the whole process in the workflow.

The competency of an expert is defined as one or more workflows in which the expert can execute at least one activity.

Figure 1. The structure of the Pharmadex 2 directory

The management of users


1.      Pharmadex 2 assumes that the structure of offices is hierarchical. The Pharmadex 2 should provide the possibility to define in the database:

1.1.  The main NMRA office

1.2.  The branch NMRA offices

1.3.  The NMRA departments in the main and, if it will be appropriate, branch NMRA offices

1.4.  The partner’s or independent consultant`s offices

2.      The departments are only for convenience.

3.      For any office should be defined at least:

3.1.  The name (prefLabel)

3.2.  The description (description)

3.3.  The list of administrative units managed by this office. An empty list means the country.

3.4.  At least one “permanent” Google login for secretary user

4.      The properties that may be added in the future should follow the standard

5.      The partners and independent contractors should be registered in the office hierarchy at the second level – as departments or branch offices


1.      Each expert should be explicitly registered in Pharmadex 2 as a user. The registration data are:

1.1.  Full name (prefLabel)

1.2.  Textual description (description)

1.3.  Salutation

1.4.  The list of roles in Pharmadex 2. At least one role (specialization) is mandatory

1.5.  The list of workflows to define the competency. At least one competency is mandatory

1.6.  Enabled or disabled

2.      The properties that may be added in the future should follow the standard

3.      A business user (the applicant) should not be registered in Pharmadex 2. However, the access denied procedure should exist.

4.      All users should use Google login. Additionally, for the supervisor user should exist starting login name and password.

5.      Should be provided the possibility to disable any Google login to access Pharmadex 2.

The assignments of executors      

1.      The assignment of the first experts should be automated:

1.1.  select an office by the administrative unit.

1.2.  select experts from the selected office by appropriate competency and specialization

1.3.  In case the expert cannot be selected, the secretary of the first appropriate office should be assigned

1.4.  In case the appropriate office cannot be selected, all supervisors should be assigned

2.      The selection of experts by other experts should be manual, using the list of all experts with the appropriative competency and specialization.

The manual selection of experts

[1] The names of roles may be varied from country to country, however the set of roles is uniform