OpenRIMS-RPM - URL Assistant

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The OpenRIMS allows a Supervisor User creation and modification of data input forms and workflows. The Supervisor User is presumed as a subject area expert and a qualified user of software.

              The forms and workflows should be identified. The identifiers representation is English language words separated by dots. For example, marketing.auth is the identifier for the marketing authorization application form. Identifiers are important, because of their usage for data access, reporting, and data exchange.

              Such representation of identifiers is known for classification systems and IT experts as Universal Resource Locators or URLs. In the OpenRIMS this term is in use too.

              The OpenRIMS URL Assistance features a Supervisor User quick and easy way of assigning unique, concise, and human-understandable URLs.

              The main idea under URL Assistance is the usage of the provided and own experience for the assignment of new URLs. Additionally, the URL Assistance provides strong validation of the URL assigned.

              This manual intends to OpenRIMS Supervisors

URL Assistant screen

              From the first release in 2024, the URL fields can be entered/changed only using URL Assistance

Figure 1 The URL input field. Press the "Edit" icon to enter/change the URL

              A URL Assistant screen runs in a separate browser tab. The data in the screen suits the current URL purpose:

·       Dictionary

·       Page in an electronic form

·       File Resource on the page

·       Workflow

·       All of above

The URL Assistant provides validation of URL:

·       A URL should be dotting separated words containing Latin chars, numbers, and underlining:

o  marketing.auth – right

o  medicine marketing.auth – wrong

o  medicine_marketing.auth – right

·       New created URL can’t be equal to any already existing

Use cases

A new unique URL will be needed

              This case suits when we need to create a new dictionary, page, workflow, or file resource. This case does not suit for

·       Selection of the existing URLs

·       URLs that should be entered manually

Suppose, we need to create a new detailed page for the Retail Pharmacy Application. This page should contain a list of owners.

Figure 2 Add new page

Figure 3 Ask for the assistance

.. to be continued on the next page …

Figure 4 The Assistant

1.     Search for URLs that start with “pharmacy”

2.     Select it

3.     In the search result search for URLs that contain “retail”

4.     Select it

5.     Inspect existing URLs starting with “pharmacy.retail”. There is no page for owners

6.     Add the word “owners” to the resulting URL

7.     The result is satisfied

Figure 5 The URL for the new page has been created using the Assistance

An existing URL should be selected

              The URL Assistant allows select URLs for existing dictionaries, pages, resources, and workflow. For example, to add the existing page “pharmacy.retail.owners” to the application form:

Figure 6 Ask the assistance to select a URL of the owner's page

.. to be continued on the next page …

1.     Search for URLs that start with “pharmacy”

2.     Select it

3.     In the search result search for URLs that contain “retail”

4.     Select it

5.     Select “owners” page

6.     Preview it

7.     It is the right page

8.     The result is satisfied

A URL should be entered manually

              Despite it is strongly recommended to use existing URLs for the creation of new ones, sometimes it is impossible. For example:

·       The URL exists, however, doesn’t belong to dictionaries, pages, resources, and workflow

·       It is an Internet URL, like

·       No one of the dictionaries, pages, resources, and workflow URLs suits the task[1]

Suppose we need to place a link to the Internet site on an application form page. This functionality is implemented by a “heading” component.

Figure 7 Asking for the assistance

Figure 8 The Assistant does not provide Internet URLs. Thus, enter it manually

How do start?

              The URL Assistance screen allows a new URL input as well as the selection of the existing URL. The title of the screen informs what should be done. The titles should be defined in the “Administrate-Configurations-Messages” feature for all languages used. Recommended values for the US English language are below

Key en_US
URL_ANY Select any URL
URL_APPLICATION_ALL Select application URL
URL_APPLICATION_NEW Create application URL
URL_DATA_ANY Select page URL
URL_DATA_NEW Create page URL
URL_DICTIONARY_ALL Select dictionary URL
URL_DICTIONARY_NEW Create dictionary URL
URL_NEW Create any URL
URL_RESOURCE_ALL Select resource URL
URL_RESOURCE_NEW Create resource URL

Table 1 Proposed titles in us_EN

After the initial installation, importing simplified key workflows from the community server will be a good idea. Along with the workflows will be imported pages, dictionaries, and resources. Thus, an initial set of URLs will be available.

[1] Check this carefully to avoid URL heap