OpenRIMS-PVM - Admin Manual Chapter 2

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1         System Configurations

1.1        Configurations

System configurations are used to configure specific functions within the system.

The configuration administration function can be accessed through the Administration à System Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Manage Configurations reference page where the system will return a list of configurations that are applicable within the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Configuration List reference page  where you will be presented with a list of system configurations.

AssessmentScale Assessment scale to be used
MedDRAVersion The current version of MedDRA

** Read only **

MedicationOnsetCheckPeriodWeeks Number of weeks before and after onset date that medications should be checked for causality
MetaDataLastUpdated The last updated date for reporting meta data
ReportInstanceNewAlertCount New report count triggered based on this parameter (number of days)
WebServiceSubscriberList Unique identifier for third part systems submitting data to PViMS
Please note, it is not possible to add new configurations as these configurations are system defined.

1.1.1       Update a System Configuration

To update a system configuration, locate the configuration you would like to update and click on the Edit Configuration button for the corresponding type.

Update the configuration value as necessary and click the Save button to save the configuration or the Return to Config List button to cancel the action and return to the previous page.

The following modifications can be made per config type:

AssessmentScale Assessment scale to be used

Both Scales

Naranjo Scale

WHO Scale

E2BVersion The version of E2B to be used

E2B(R2) ICH Report

E2B(R3) ICH Report

1.2        Contact Details

Contact details are used to configure address details for the regulatory authority and reporting authority. Both addresses are used when exporting an adverse event into E2B.

The contact details administration function can be accessed through the Administration à System Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Manage Contact Details reference page where the system will return the captured address for both the reporting and regulatory authority.

1.2.1       Updating a Contact Address

To edit an existing contact address, click on the Edit Detail Button alongside the corresponding address.

The system will navigate you to the admin page for the address. Update the address as necessary and click the Save Button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the address list.

1.3        Facilities

The facilities administration function can be accessed through the Administration à System Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Manage Facilities reference page where the system will return a list of facilities that have been configured within the system.

The system will return the list and the total number of facilities that have been found and will provide the option of adding a new facility.

1.3.1       Adding a New Facility

To add a new facility, click on the Add New Facility Button.

The system will navigate you to a new facility form. Enter details of the facility as per the description of each field below.

Facility Name The unique name of the facility

This field is mandatory

Facility Code A unique code for the facility

This field is mandatory

Facility Type The type of facility

Unknown, Hospital, Community Health Centre, Primary Health Centre

Region The region the facility belongs to (OrgUnit table must be manually populated with geographical location of facility)
Telephone Number The contact number of the facility (used in E2B extract)
Mobile Number The mobile number of the facility (used in E2B extract)
Fax Number The fax number of the facility (used in E2B extract)

Once information has been entered, click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the facility list.

1.3.2       Editing an Existing Facility

To edit an existing facility, click on the Edit Facility Button alongside the corresponding facility.

The system will navigate you to a facility administration form. Update details of the facility and click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the facility list.

1.4        Public Holidays

Public holidays are used for patient appointments, acting as a warning that there is a public holiday in the event this date is selected for the appointment.

The public holidays administration function can be accessed through the Administration à System Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Manage Public Holidays reference page where the system will return a list of holidays that have been configured within the system.

The system will return the list and the total number of holidays that have been found and will provide the option of adding a new public holiday.

1.4.1       Adding a New Public Holiday

To add a new holiday, click on the Add Holiday Button.

The system will pop up an add new holiday modal form. Enter details of the holiday as per the description of each field below.

Holiday Date The date of the holiday

This field is mandatory

Description Holiday details

Once information has been entered, click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the holiday list.

1.4.2       Editing an Existing Holiday

To edit an existing holiday, click on the Edit Holiday Button alongside the corresponding date.

The system will pop up a holiday modal form. Update details of the holiday and click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the holiday list.

1.4.3       Delete an Existing Holiday

To delete an existing holiday, click on the Delete Holiday Button alongside the corresponding date.

The system will pop up a holiday modal form. Confirm the details of the holiday you would like to delete and click the Delete button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the holiday list.

1.5        Report Meta Data

Report Meta Data are the system meta attributes which allow custom reporting to take place.

The report meta data administration function can be accessed through the Administration à System Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Report Meta Data reference page where the system will return a meta data summary and list of meta attributes that are applicable within the system.

1.5.1       Meta Tables

Contains a list of queryable entities as defined within PViMS.

1.5.2       Meta Columns

Contains a list of queryable columns per entities as defined within PViMS.

1.5.3       Meta Dependencies

Contains a list of dependencies that effectively join meta tables to each other.

1.5.4       Refresh Meta Data

To refresh meta data, click on the Refresh Meta Button.

The system will refresh all meta tables, columns and dependencies and will refresh all data within the meta repository for up to date reporting.

Please note, new data elements will not be available for reporting unless meta data is refreshed