OpenRIMS-PVM - Admin Manual Chapter 3

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1         User Configurations

1.1        Users

The user administration function can be accessed through the Administration à User Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the User List reference page where a list of users will be displayed in the corresponding user list table.

You are able to filter the user list table by entering a search term in the place provided.

1.1.1       Adding a New User

To add a new user, once you have opened the User List, click on the Add New User button.

The system will navigate you to a new user page. Enter details of the user as per the description of each field below.

First Name The first name of the user

This field is mandatory

Last Name The last name of the user

This field is mandatory

Email The email address of the user

This field is mandatory

Username The user name that the user will enter to gain access to the site

This field is mandatory

Password and Confirm Password The password that the user will enter to gain access to the site

This field is mandatory

Roles The list of roles that have been allocated to the user

This field is mandatory

Facilities The list of facilities that have been allocated to the user

This field is mandatory

Once information has been entered, click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the user list.

The user will be added to the system.

1.1.2       Editing an Existing User

To edit an existing user, once you have opened the User List, click on the Edit User button alongside the corresponding user.

The system will navigate you to the user profile. Update details of the user and click the Save button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the user list.

Please note, it is not possible to reset a password through this function. You will be able to change the user name, email address, user name and associated facilities and roles. You are also able to confirm if the user is still active and if the user has the ability to download data through the analysis portal.

1.1.3       Resetting a Password

To reset a user’s password, once you have opened the User List, click on the Reset Password button alongside the corresponding user.

The system will navigate you to the user profile where you will be able to reset the password of the user. Enter the new password as well as the password confirmation and click the Save button to save the new password or click the Cancel button to cancel this action and return the user to the user list.

Please note, passwords must adhere to the following conventions:

Minimum length of 6 characters

Passwords must have at least one non-letter or digit character

Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9')

Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z')

The user profile will be updated in the system.

1.1.4       Deleting an Existing User

To delete an existing user, once you have opened the User List, click on the Delete User button alongside the corresponding user.

The system will navigate you to a delete user page. Click the Delete button to submit the request or click the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the user list.

Please note, this action is not reversible. Please rather mark the user as inactive function for users who no longer require access.

The user profile will be removed from the system.

1.2        Roles

The roles administration function can be accessed through the Administration à User Config menu and is accessible to administrators of the system.

Once you have clicked on this menu, the system will navigate you to the Role List reference page where a list of roles will be displayed in the corresponding role list table.

Please note, roles are pre-defined and not configurable within the system.
Role Administrator
Description The administrator of the system is able to configure PViMS according to the requirements of the facility and Pharmacovigilance Unit
Functions ·                   Manage custom attributes

·                   Manage facilities

·                   Manage public holidays

·                   Manage users

·                   Manage care events

·                   Manage encounter types

·                   Manage work plans

·                   Manage datasets

·                   Manage data elements

·                   Manage cohort groups

Role Registration Clerk
Description A registration clerk has the ability to manage the general patient flow of a facility through the registration of new patients and the check-in of existing patients. The registration clerk will only have access to patient demographic data and not to clinical data specifically.
Functions and allocated permissions ·                   View appointments for date using calendar

·                   Mark appointment as DNA (Did Not Arrive) (DNAAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Add appointment (ADDAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Edit appointment (EDITAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Delete appointment (DELETEAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Search for patient (VIEWPATIENT)

·                   Add patient (ADDPATIENT)

·                   Edit patient (EDITPATIENT)

·                   Delete patient (DELETEPATIENT)

·                   Check patient into facility (ADDENCOUNTER)

·                   Discharge patient (DISCHARGEENCOUNTER)

·                   Delete encounter (DELETEENCOUNTER)

·                   Add attachment (ADDATTACHMENT)

·                   Delete attachment (DELETEATTACHMENT)

·                   Download attachment (DOWNLOADATTACHMENT)

Role Data Capturer
Description A data capturer has the ability to retrospectively capture clinical data for a patient in the event the existing clinical record was not updated at source.
Functions ·                   Search for appointment (VIEWAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Search for patient (VIEWPATIENT)

·                   Edit patient (EDITPATIENT)

·                   Check patient into facility (ADDENCOUNTER)

·                   Discharge patient (DISCHARGEENCOUNTER)

·                   Search for encounter (VIEWENCOUNTER)

·                   Load clinical data (EDITENCOUNTER)

Role Clinician
Description A clinician is a facility resource (Doctor or Nurse) that has the ability to view a longitudinal clinical history for the patient and update this history on an encounter by encounter basis.
Functions ·                   Search for appointment (VIEWAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Add appointment (ADDAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Edit appointment (EDITAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Delete appointment (DELETEAPPOINTMENT)

·                   Search for patient (VIEWPATIENT)

·                   Add patient (ADDPATIENT)

·                   Edit patient (EDITPATIENT)

·                   Discharge patient (DISCHARGEENCOUNTER)

·                   Add attachment (ADDATTACHMENT)

·                   Delete attachment (DELETEATTACHMENT)

·                   Download attachment (DOWNLOADATTACHMENT)

·                   Search for encounter (VIEWENCOUNTER)

·                   Load clinical data (EDITENCOUNTER)

·                   Assign patient to cohort group (ASSIGNCOHORT)

·                   Remove patient from cohort group (REMOVECOHORT)

·                   De-enroll patient from cohort group (REMOVECOHORT)

Role Analyst
Description An analyst has the ability to set causality through a ratings scale, set MedDRA terminology, administer risk factor templates for signal detection and review the outputs of any signals detected.
Functions ·                   Set adverse event causality – WHO rating scale (SETCAUSALITY)

·                   Set adverse event causality – Naranjo rating scale (SETCAUSALITY)

·                   Set MedDRA terminology (SETMEDDRA)

·                   Configure task (SETTASK)

·                   View task results (VIEWTASKHISTORY)