OpenRIMS-RPM - Email Notifications
The processing of an application usually takes a long time. An applicant is highly motivated to know the completion of critical steps of the application processing workflow ASAP. Pharmadex 2 provides applicants with a tracking service that allows pulling application processing information in real-time.
Despite this, it will be nice to implement an additional information service that push-out the tracking information using email. This kind of service is familiar to most users, and thus relevant.
1. Supervisor credentials for the OpenRIMS instance
2. Access to OpenRIMS installation on the server
1. Create a Gmail user for the OpenRIMS installation
2. Assign this user to the OpenRIMS installation
3. Test the email service to ensure it works
4. Add calls to email service to the workflow configurations to push out the tracking information to applicants
Gmail user
To send emails, OpenRIMS uses Google SMTP mail service. The connection parameters are pre-configured, except the Gmail username and password.
For OpenRIMS mail service should be registered dedicated Gmail user. It shouldn’t be any real person. For this user should be assigned an application password.
The description is here
Assign the user to the OpenRIMS installation
To assign the mail user to a OpenRIMS installation it is necessary to add two lines to the file (change to an your active gmail account credentials):
Figure 1 The file is in the same folder as the OpenRIMS. 1- Linux, 2- Windows
Test the email service
For a supervisor user, OpenRIMS provides a test email feature. This feature sends a test email to the Supervisor currently logged in.
Figure 2 Not successful test. A bad user name or application password or a Gmail user is not assigned yet
Figure 3 Success. The email should be received shortly
Add the send mail feature to a workflow activity configuration
Figure 4 Field "attention" in the workflow activity configuration manage email notifications after workflow step completion