OpenRIMS-PVM - User Manual Chapter 6

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1        Reporting Portal

The reports portal is the centralized hub for system reporting.

Note: the following roles have access to the report’s portal:

·         All users. All users have view access to pages defined within the portal.

·         Administrator. The administrator has FULL permissions to the information portal.

·         Reporter Administrator. The reports administrator has the ability to add and customize reports.

1.1        List of Standard System Reports




The reports portal includes several reports as part of the base configuration of the system. These reports are listed below:

Patients on Treatment Aggregated number of patients per facility that have a serious event, non-serious event, and the percentage that have events
Adverse Events Number of patients with an adverse event by age group, facility and drug
Quarterly Adverse Events Number of patients with an adverse event by MedDRA system organ class per quarter and grade
Annual Adverse Events Number of patients with an adverse event by MedDRA system organ class per year and grade
Causality List adverse events where causality has been set and not set
Patients by Drug Number of patients on a specific medication
Outstanding Visits Patients who did not attend an appointment

1.2        Report Customization

The Reports Portal gives PViMS report publishers the ability to add new and modify existing reports within this portal. This provides PViMS analysts with an integrated platform to customize what reports are available to end users.

1.2.1       Types of Reports

When adding a new report, you first need to specify the type of report to be incorporated. There are currently two report types that can be customized within PViMS: A summary report that provides aggregated reporting based on the stratification criteria specified, and a list report that allows for a line by line rendering of the report in a non-aggregated manner.

1.2.2       Adding a New Report

In order to add a new report to the Reports Portal, you need to have the Reporter Administrator role assigned to your user profile.

To add a new report, click on the List Reports menu.

Then click on the Add Report button so you can define the characteristics of the new report.

The following information must be entered when publishing a new report:

Report name The unique name for the report
Definition Provide additional information that describes the report
Report status Is the report to be published or unpublished. Published reports appear in the custom reports list in the reporting portal
Report type Is this a summary or a list report?
Core Entity The primary entity that should be reported on:

·         Patient, report on patient specific criteria

·         PatientClinicalEvent, report on adverse event information

·         PatientCondition, report on concomitant conditions

·         PatientFacility, report on facility and patient

·         PatientLabTest, report on lab test information

·         PatientMedication, report on medication history

·         Encounter, report on clinical data collected per encounter

·         CohortGroupEnrolment, report of cohort enrolment data       Summary Report

Once the base report is configured, stratification-related information may now be specified. All attributes specified as part of the stratification list will be aggregated based on these attributes. To add a new stratification item, first select the attributes menu option for the report you would like to customize.

Select the attribute from the list, specify the name of column in the display field, the type of aggregation and click the add icon. The attribute will be added to the stratification list.

Please note that at least one attribute must be specified as a group field and at least one attribute must be specified as an aggregate. A group field is the field that will be used for stratification. Once all attributes have been added, click the Save button to add each attribute to the report or the Cancel button to cancel this action and return to the previous page.

Once the stratification list is specified, filter-related information may now be specified. All attributes specified as part of the filter list will be used to filter the result set by the end user. To add a new filter item, first select the filters menu option for the report you would like to customize.

Add the filter item as per the field description below and click the add icon:

Relationship Specify AND if this filter criteria must be true in conjunction with other attributes

Specify OR if this filter criteria or other criteria must be true

Attribute The attribute that is being filtered on
Operator The operator that will be applied to the filter:

·         Dates and numerics allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, GreaterEqual Than, LessEqual Than, Between

·         Text fields allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals

·         DropDown Lists allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, In

Once you are satisfied with the report configuration, change the status of the report to published. The new report will appear in the custom report menu once it is published. Please note, you may need to log out and log back in to view the new report..       List Report

Once the base report is configured, list-related information may now be specified. All attributes specified as part of the list will be included as separate columns in the report. To add a new list item, first select the attributes menu option for the report you would like to customize.

Then select the attribute from the list, specify the name of column in the display field, and click the add icon. The attribute will be added to the list.


Once the list is specified, filter-related information may now be specified. All attributes specified as part of the filter list will be used to filter the result set by the end user. To add a new filter item, first select the filters menu option for the report you would like to customize.

Add the filter item as per the field description below and click the add icon:

Relationship Specify AND if this filter criteria must be true in conjunction with other attributes

Specify OR if this filter criteria or other criteria must be true

Attribute The attribute that is being filtered on
Operator The operator that will be applied to the filter:

·         Dates and numerics allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, GreaterEqual Than, LessEqual Than, Between

·         Text fields allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals

·         DropDown Lists allow the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, In

Once you are satisfied with the report configuration, change the status of the report to published. The new report will appear in the custom report menu once it is published. Please note, you may need to log out and log back in to view the new report.

1.2.3       Modifying and Deleting an Existing Report

Browse to the report using the custom report menu in the Reports Portal. To modify or delete a report, you need to have the Reporter Administrator role assigned to your user profile.

To modify a report, click on the Update report, Set attributes or Set filters icons. To delete a report, click on the Delete report icon.