OpenRIMS-RPM - Workflow Configuration Part 3

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Resources Configuration

List of practical EL Expressions for document templates:

  1. Todays date: ${/@today}
  2. Current User: ${/@author}

Reference Table for EL Expression

Data type Description Convertor Returns
strings Plain string @literal Plain string
literals Multi language string @literal Plain string on the current language
numbers Long integer @number Long integer number, Arabic
@numberBS Long integer number, Nepali
dates Gregorian calendar date @date Medium formatted date in the current culture
@dateBS Nepal date, converted from Gregorian. Arabic numbers
@dateBS1 Nepal date, converted from Gregorian. Nepali numbers
addresses administrative-territorial unit @level1 The main unit, like republic, province.
@level2-@level5 The lowers units, like district, community, neighborhood.
@gis Geo-spatial data
@choice All units in one string, example “East Carroll Parish, Lake Providence, Louisiana”
dictionaries Single or multi choice dictionary @level1 First level choice


Next levels
@choice All choices in a single line, example “private, hospital”
registers Filing system registers to assign document numbers, registration and expiry dates @literal Register number
@registered Register date Gregorian, medium format
@registeredBS Register date Nepali, Arabic numbers
@registeredBS1 Register date Nepali, Nepali numbers
@expired Expire registration, Gregorian
@expiredBS Expire registration, Nepali, Arabic numbers
@expiredBS1 Expire registration, Nepali, Nepali numbers
Age Full years from the current date @years Years using Gregorian calendar, Arabic numbers
@yearsBS Years using Gregorian calendar, Nepali numbers
@yearBS1 Years using Nepali calendar, Nepali numbers